kenoki wrote:is it just me or is this the first record in forever that HAS NOT LEAKED and there's only a month left. how did this happen?
in one way i am extremely grateful as this means it is also the first time in years i am excited to go to a record store on the day of release... like a new harry potter or something... on the other hand, WHY!!!???
i imagine a copy inside this vault, inside a vault, inside a room, inside a building, inside a vault, 12,000 feet inside the earth.
It's very simple actually...
Like say for example when you have an essay to write for school.
"Hey - how's that essay coming along?"
"Oh... pretty good. Just about finished writing it."
"Well, care if I look at your draft?"
"Well... I mean, I'm haven't sat down to actually type/write it yet! I just meant that it's more or less written *up here*" (points to head)
So what I'm saying is that Yeah, maybe the album is *finished*, more or less... but they maybe just gotta pull a marathon all-nighter on June 4th to y'know *record it* for real... (oh yeah, and master and duplicate and distribute)
Hence, no leaks!