New EA sendspace thread

rayj wrote:This is the one Gorge Trio album I have. You wouldn't happen to have that 'Italy-only' release the Skin Graft guys put out many moons ago, would you? I've been looking for that one forever.

I am not sure to what you are refering. I have Open Mouth, O Wisp issued by Skin Graft, but I don't think it was an Italy only release. Also waiting on the Short Apnea and Milo Fine collaborations. If there is another Gorge Trio release I will google the apocolypse in order to find a copy.

Here's some live stuff.

New EA sendspace thread

No Magic Man by Sunburned Hand of the Man

I think this was given away free to subscribers to Arthur Magazine a few years back. Either way, it's not available anymore, and it destroys. Psychedelic freakouts abound.

A Compilation of 'Noise' &c

A bunch of stuff I put together. Drone, noise, free jazz. Includes stuff by Yellow Swans, Burning Star Core, Wooden Wand, Mouthus, Birchville Cat Motel, Hototogisu, Six Organs of Admittance, Arthur Doyle and Mouthus.

The sound quality is variable, but don't think about that. Nearly all of this is OOP. I can upload the rest of the albums in some of these cases.

A Primer for UK Grime

Most of you won't be interested in this, but for those of you who are, this contains a bunch of tracks from the past 5 or so years.

The first three tracks or so are the singles that basically invented the genre; Oi! by More Fire Crew was recorded for free in their local youth club when they were sixteen. Eskiboy by Wiley is basically kickstarted the whole thing. Pow! by Lethal Bizzle was banned for starting riots in clubs.

It's silly at times, sure, and probably too wantonly violent, but by my reckoning it's the most interesting thing going on in Britain at the moment.[/url]

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