yes, do not play loud enough to deafen yourself through your face. this is a fine lesson for us all. if you are playing loud enough to make your ears ring through your face, then you should turn down.
something i've experienced a few times is excessive amounts of infra-sound (i hope i got that term right--it's sound below the human hearing range), which earplugs do little or nothing to stop. this is usually due to crappy live engineering, in which the engineer is convinced that cranking the fuck out of the bass guitar will "fill out" the sound, and/or being absolutely determined to mic the drums, regardless of the fact that the club only holds 150 people. (but that's a personal gripe.)
anyway, it doesn't always have to do with playing too loudly; certain frequencies just creep in easier than others, and that can be avoided by having a good live sound-guy.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.