The Sopranos Final Episodes...

I don't think there's any way they can turn AJ into a credible, effective gangster in that short a time. The guy has been a thoroughgoing pussy for the entire run of the show. He's going to get killed or nabbed in the act of a crime and spill his guts when the cops scare him.

burun, that's a good take on it. Adds up to the same thing for poor JT, of course. I just think it's telling that the words "You're in the Mafia" were the final ones he spoke.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

The Sopranos Final Episodes...

burun wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:The whole reason he whacked the writer is because he knew he'd just told him too much and the guy was already nervous about it. Chris couldn't trust him to keep his mouth shut.

I saw it as him killing the writer because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I think he realized it was very easy to talk to him, because he felt comfortable because of a shared experience - AA - and perhaps he had to rid himself of this easy confessional.

Wow, I hadn't even considered that...interesting take. Where's his current sponser though? The guy he was talking to in the diner a couple of weeks ago, the guy from Last Exit to Brooklyn...I was wondering why Chris didn't go to that guy instead of the writer...
Mike G.

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