Hi - my EQ3 is blue, i'm assuming yours is similar if not the same

not sure what you mean by 'what would normally be' flat - but on this EQ Flat is: 12 o'ckock for all outer coarse adjustment rings except Air which should be hard anticlockwise, and six o'clock (fully clockwise) for all inner trim knobs - the trims being subtractive only, so if you want +1 and a half you have to add 2 on the coarse and take the trim back a half to 12 o 'clock

i was told they sound nice because they don't use capacitor/resistor networks, so don't cause the phase shifts associated with most EQs. i'm sure the EA bods can tell you more.

hope this is of help - sorry if i've told you how to suck eggs!



It sounds like what you have it set to when you think it's flat is wrong. If you set it to flat as described, and hear a change, then there is something wrong. They are nice EQs, one of my favorites for EQing a mix.
Greg Norman FG

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