
Total votes: 62 (44%)
Not Crap.
Total votes: 79 (56%)
Total votes: 141

band: Soundgarden

Minotaur029 wrote:Pearl Jam is better than Soundgarden.

Soundgarden was strictly terrible and over-the-top.

CRAPs all around.

Only if you live on a different planet.

How's Pearl Jam better?
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

band: Soundgarden

DrAwkward wrote:
emmanuelle cunt wrote:not crap, for badmotorfinger. did i mention i like them better than abba?

Soundgarden are such crap.

ABBA are the greatest!

Doc, I've fixed your quote for you.

No, no, please... Honestly, it is quite ok... No need to thank me.

Soundgarden: CRAP CRAP and CRAP AGAIN

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