by Mr Graham_Archive
BadComrade: Fair enough; I'll give you "undertaking," but I stand behind "effort," as it implies the piece itself, & not the physical motions used to create it. (Now, let's not quibble over "piece" or "create," if that's OK; I'll take your disdain as read, but it's just semantics.)
& you'll forgive me if I'm not familiar enough with your messageboard ouevre to properly interpret your gist; however, there's nowhere in anything I posted that implies, hints or intimates that I see the act of writing & performing "The Rambler Song" as intrinsically the same -- in terms of effort, creativity, cleverness, pop-hookiness or whatever -- as my stab at chopping & screwing it.
I don't see why that's such a critical linchpin for you & some others on here; it's why I made the comment about being conversant in the genre before dismissing the MP3 files I offered up. If it's not your thing, fair enough -- but don't pretend you're offering genuinely relevant or astute critique by reading incorrect intentions into my creation & posting of it. If I take a picture of the Mona Lisa, I don't claim to have created something equal in merit or aesthetic function to the original painting; that said, I might like something about the angle or the blurry focus of it & choose to hang it on my wall. That doesn't mean I'm pretending to be Da Vinci. (That would be totally, um, retarded!)
(For additional steps down this well-traveled road, see also: Andy Warhol's whole thing with the soup can or whatever.)
Slowriot: Not up on Christian Marclay, but now I'm curious. I'll check that video out.
Bill Swansea: Oh, it's in the works!
Oh -- & to answer your last question, Comrade, I was the bassist in a punk rock band for 6 or 7 years, so the answer is obviously "no."
Mr. Graham