So I just got this new record player...


what you are hearing in your new turntable is MUSIC. Before, it used to be sound, now, with all the details and cues and toneality, it sounds like music. That's the difference. It has emotional impact and feeling behind it.

I know what Steve said, but in my experience, those Discwasher brushes are pretty crap. Record cleaning machines are good, if you don't over use them. Nitty gritty's are OK, but VPIs are better. Most non-vaccuum record cleaning systems (Discwasher, i'm looking at you) actually push more dust and grime into the grooves than they remove. Better to have a nice clean stylus (get a DW stylus cleaning brush, or one of those vibrating ones) and let that clean out the groove.

Of course us linn geeks clean our stylus with sandpaper. I'm not going to recommend that to the general population. I have even seen it done with the abrasive on a matchbook. Watch that staple!

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