My Girlfriends parents put her in rehab

Skronk wrote:The EA Wizard is a double edged sword, my friend.


Recycling material. Very clever. My not so subtle point here was precisely, "that the EA wizzard is a double edge sword." You should have taken it in stride like I did when you posted the above, in a prior thread. Laugh it off cuz turnabout is fair play. You might have gained some respect. Oh and by the way,

John George Peppers wrote:EA Ranking Wizzard telling it like it is:

ultimate dicksucker

Make sure not to post for a while Skronk this is too fitting.

My Girlfriends parents put her in rehab

John George Peppers wrote:
Skronk wrote:The EA Wizard is a double edged sword, my friend.


Recycling material. Very clever. My not so subtle point here was precisely, "that the EA wizzard is a double edge sword." You should have taken it in stride like I did when you posted the above, in a prior thread. Laugh it off cuz turnabout is fair play. You might have gained some respect. Oh and by the way,

John George Peppers wrote:EA Ranking Wizzard telling it like it is:

ultimate dicksucker

Make sure not to post for a while Skronk this is too fitting.

wasn't skronk a vegan?
I may be wrong but I think dick is considered an animal product
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

My Girlfriends parents put her in rehab

John George Peppers wrote:
Skronk wrote:The EA Wizard is a double edged sword, my friend.


Recycling material. Very clever. My not so subtle point here was precisely, "that the EA wizzard is a double edge sword." You should have taken it in stride like I did when you posted the above, in a prior thread. Laugh it off cuz turnabout is fair play. You might have gained some respect. Oh and by the way,

John George Peppers wrote:EA Ranking Wizzard telling it like it is:

ultimate dicksucker

Make sure not to post for a while Skronk this is too fitting.

I'm just kidding, too. I don't take shit personally.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

My Girlfriends parents put her in rehab

InToronto wrote:If there's any possibility that this is a real guy expressing an honest opinion about a situation that's really occurring, you should probably put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger before you get the chance to procreate.

Don't you mean the opposite, this guy obviously knows his shit, skinny girls get a good amount of penis in their bums, twats and faces.

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