First Primary Debates

Sean Hannity just interviewed Ron Paul after the second Republican Party debate. With a straight face, Hannity acted outraged and shocked at Paul's suggestion that the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, was in part the result of many years of pre-09.11.2001 American foreign policy that fostered hatred toward the United States among some people on Earth.

What the what? Is this really the current level of political discourse in the United States, wherein one can't even acknowledge something so self-evident as that American foreign policy, particularly in southwestern Asia, a.k.a. "The Middle East," has pissed some folks straight off?

First Primary Debates

This debate was so ridiculously lopsided it was...well...ridiculous. Ron Paul clearly did not win that debate - should he have? I am a huge fan of Ron Paul, but the fact is that he just didn't even get to speak enough to win the debate! How can you win a debate that you barely get to talk in???

I'll be curious to find out the tallies on minutes spoken per candidate. Romney got 6 or 7 chances plus retorts from my account, Ron Paul had 4-1/2 chances.

And Hannity's response...he is such an assclown. Ron Paul didn't 'blame America' as he will so be accused of doing. He simply said that we need to evaluate the events and foreign policy that has brought us to this point. Wow! A President that thinks things through! What a concept!

An msnbc commentator was saying the other day that Giuliani's position was on abortion was unacceptable as well. She said something to the effect of "Nuanced positions such as his do not make good Presidential politics."

We are in a sad place right now.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

First Primary Debates

I was only able to catch the last half of the debate, and I won't be able to catch the rest untill later this evening. But I did see Rudy pounce on Paul, who simply was talking about the non-interventionist history of the Republican Party. I think Guiliani was waiting for it. It was, politically speaking, awesome. He beat the other 8 guys to it and they knew it.

Also I saw Romney take a swing at Mccain over the Mccain/Kennedy immigration bill, to which Mccain countered with a 'Well at least I've never changed my opinion on so many issues depending on what office I've been running for'.

There was a bit of blood spilled last night.

First Primary Debates

That debate was seriously twisted. What was the most scary about it, it was a Fox News debate and the crowd was their sheep. Gulliani said his magic words, "9-11," and the crowd exploded. It was as ridiculous as Louis Griffin's debate with Mayor Adam West on last week's Family Guy. When I was watching that, I thought, "this is pretty far fetched." Not even two days later, the republicans in their own way, MADE SATIRE A REALITY!

Everyone there, except for Ron Paul, is a fucking lunatic. Ron Paul was batted down by Gulliani, in a sorta Daily Show Satire style, "NEVER FORGET 9-11" moment. Yeah, douchebag, you were there. So were a lot of people WHO FUCKING HATE YOU.

What a fucking douchebag, Gulliani. These guys are jokes. If a democrat can't beat them in the election, we're fucked beyond fucked.

I hope to god Hagel runs as an independent so he can shed some light on all the turds that will be flinging around.

First Primary Debates

Stephanie Miller has been talking up Ron Paul all morning on her show, so that's some progress. There does seem to be a complete reluctance in the FOX /MSNBC talking head world to accept that Paul exists, and considering how much time they have to fill day in day out, that points to organized inattention. Democrats should check Paul out and not dismiss him because he's GOP. His positions on military intervention, trade, banking, and the deficits are old school populist.

Rudy Guiliani is way too unstable to become President. The NWO will fail in their efforts to shove him down the electorate's throat. Rudy is a transparent psycho.

First Primary Debates

There's a lot of people that really like Ron Paul's message. Problem is that a lot of these people probably aren't registered Republicans, and therefore can't help him in the primaries.

I think that the other candidates and the media saw how well he did in the first debate, and this was a concerted effort to shut him down. Every question he had went to the topic of Iraq. He had less questions than everyone else. He wasn't able to enunciate any positions.

As a supporter of Ron Paul, I'll say again that there's no way he won the debate. They didn't give him the chance to win.

I really hope the CNN debate is more balanced.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

First Primary Debates

unarmedman wrote:There's a lot of people that really like Ron Paul's message. Problem is that a lot of these people probably aren't registered Republicans, and therefore can't help him in the primaries.

Ron Paul is in the GOP field in order to give exposure to views that have been ignored in mainstream American politics. I believe he is a smart man and he is well aware that he doesn't have a chance in hell for the nomination. It is unfortunate that the only attention he recieves is as Rudy Guiliani's punching bag. But I'm sure he knows this is how it works.

Huckabee got a big laugh for that Edwards' haircut line. So did Mccain for that goddamned drunken sailor joke he uses again and again. And Gilmore was really out for blood, last night he attacked the top tier as Rudy McRomney, criticising their liberal leanings. Obviously he is trying to wedge himself into that True Conservative Void, before Fred Thompson gets in the race. Risky, because its likely that they'll all gang up on him in the weeks to come. But its his only shot. Thompson is behind Mccain by two points in the latest Quinipiac, and above Mccain in the latest Harris poll. Once he gets in, Gilmore, Huckabee, and Brownback will be forced to move to desperate measures campaigning.

Watching it the second time around, it seems like the other 8 were sleeping on that Ron Paul remark. Am I right? I don't think Guiliani's got unique political instincts, that was just too easy. Right?

First Primary Debates

unarmedman wrote:There's a lot of people that really like Ron Paul's message. Problem is that a lot of these people probably aren't registered Republicans, and therefore can't help him in the primaries.

caix wrote:Everyone there, except for Ron Paul, is a fucking lunatic. Ron Paul was batted down by Gulliani, in a sorta Daily Show Satire style, "NEVER FORGET 9-11" moment. Yeah, douchebag, you were there. So were a lot of people WHO FUCKING HATE YOU.

Well said. Ron Paul won't win because the people that agree with him aren't registered Republicans.

First Primary Debates

JDanger wrote:Watching it the second time around, it seems like the other 8 were sleeping on that Ron Paul remark. Am I right? I don't think Guiliani's got unique political instincts, that was just too easy. Right?

Yeah, Giuliani got the they-attacked-us-because-they-are-evil soccer ball set up on the tee so that he could knock it out of the park. Even the look on his face was like, "Wow, I can't believe it's this easy to play this trump card for a Standing O."

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