Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

I think the rape charges are questionable at best, albeit a sticky topic and more interesting to press than some Costanza-looking scumbag screwing (literally and figuratively) an insanely retarded woman and her equally retarded mother out of a few thousand GBP's.

I really think this guy's an asshole, the woman is a moron, and moreso a victim of a scam than rape.

Dude didn't even claim to be anything beyond someone who knows their way around a vagina, and corroborated it by saying he had an OBGYN friend. How did she even meet this person?! Was he standing on the side of the street with a sign "All-Natural Cervix-Creaming: £5,900" or something?

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

houseboat wrote:I'm surprised that some of you think that rape is a suitable 'punishment' for being gullible.

I read about a similar story to Linus's, where a man posed as a gynacologist over the phone. He tricked a woman into mutilating her genitals, if I remember correctly. But then, those women were idiots to believe him, so he should get some sort of award, right?

I never said rape is suitable punishment for being gullible. I just don't think she should be able to sue this man after putting up with this "treatment" for NINE MONTHS before she figured out it wasn't "kosher", for lack of a better term.

The guy is an asshole for pulling something like this. As are the men in Linus's and your stories. However, I also believe your story deserves special attention. A man MUTILATED another woman's body by posing as a gynacologist. He should recieve due punishment. The women in the other stories CONSENTED to sex. Not rape.

Rape/Not Rape?

You decide.
(Winters In Osaka)

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Ok. Assuming this woman really is this gullible, and this is not just a ploy by her to get back at the man she's been doinking for the last 9 months.

Then it's certainly a crime.

It may or may not be rape. Perhaps in the technical sense of the word ( i.e. Forced sexual intercourse under violence or threat of violence) it's not.

However, if I con you out of $1000 dollars by selling you a bottle of water which I represented to you as the elixir of life, then I am going to be charged with fraud, and theft by deception.

Following this logic, it's easy to see where the charge of rape by deception is applied. This woman consented to receive a "treatment" - not sex. if she did not realise that the treatment was sex (that takes quite a stretch of the imagination, but perhaps she's a nun who is a teacher, and hasn't met any of the local priests as of yet, and is only 20, or something. I don't know, but just for the sake of argument, let's assume she didn't know what sex was) then it's possible to make the argument that she was raped. I believe this logic has been applied in pedophilia cases before (and let's not even go into how sick that is.)

Either way (correct legal charge or not), if this man really did this to the woman, then he's a disgusting pig and should have his balls removed. Manipulating her fear of disease and search for a cure for his own personal sexual and monetary gains is revolting.

However, I simply find it too hard to believe that she was that ignorant. It really seems more to me like she is trying a rather bizarre ploy to manipulate the law and gain some sort of revenge on a former lover.

Her Mom also gave him money? Don't we think the mother could have pointed out the facts of life to her daughter when she heard of this cure? WTF?

I would expect this case to unravel, but really have no idea what to believe here.

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