Little Observations

Jerry Falwell wrote:Idle hands make the Devil's playground goeth before a fall which is next to godliness, so give us this day our holy bread of matrimony.

And the amount of damnation is inversely proportionate to the amount of donation.

Praise Jesus!

I didn't know Hell has wi-fi set up. I'll have to read Dante again, I reckon.
Check out your mind.

Little Observations

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:At least once a week, a student who's been absent will ask if we "did anything" in class on the day in question. It will never occur to any of them how rude this question is.

This drives me crazy. I have 18-21 year old students who ask this question all the time. At risk of sounding like an old fogey, it gets worse every year.

I don't even bother trying *not* to be an asshole about it anymore. Very nonchalantly, I'll reply, "No, we didn't do anything at all." Avoiding any hint of a sarcastic tone, mind you. And, lo and behold, they usually take this at face value and walk away.

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