Best Big Black Song

Boombats wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:How am I the only one to pick Kerosene so far?

I considered but figured I'd get shit on by the nerds for picking suck an obvious one.

It's the best Big Black song. The most original, interesting, and intense little song they ever put together.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Best Big Black Song

BEST song? hooo boy.

This question is too hard. For me it's a three way tie between 'Big Money' and 'The Crack Up' and 'I'm a Mess.'

I'll also mention 'Bad Houses,' also for reasons I won't go into, much like SecondEdition.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Best Big Black Song

I can't pick just one, so I'll list some:

Bad Penny
The Ugly American
Colombian Necktie
L Dopa
Big Money
Passing Complexion
Shotgun (great tone)
Kasimir S. Pulaski Day
The Big Payback (I guess this one doesn't count if we're talking about original songs)

I never got the appeal of Kerosene.

Best Big Black Song

Things to do Today

L Dopa is a very close second and the cover of The Model is very dear to me but only because of how much it pissed off my first wife. She lived in Europe when the original was big and would go completely apescat everytime I played it.

Surprised no one has gone with Cables yet. Great tune but I've burned myself out on it.

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