Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

If you told a woman that if she slept with me all her wildest dreams would come true and she didn't get the pony and the Ferarri and the bigger boobs, would you then be a rapist? If you give a hooker counterfeit bills (yes gentlemen this works very well) you have not raped her.

That genital mutilation thing is fucked though. Causing someone to hurt themselves is not cool. Neither is conning someone out of money, or tricking a lady into sex she doesn't want. Still I think a rape charge is over the top. Rapists are those who force women to have sex, either physically or through blackmail/threat of violence to them or their loved ones. From what we know, it doesn't seem as though he did that.

I hope we get an update soon!

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Boombats wrote:If you told a woman that if she slept with me all her wildest dreams would come true and she didn't get the pony and the Ferarri and the bigger boobs, would you then be a rapist?

If you give a hooker counterfeit bills (yes gentlemen this works very well) you have not raped her.

I don't agree.

I don't know where exactly the line should be drawn, that's the hard thing. But it's easy for me to put those two cases on opposite sides of it.

That genital mutilation thing is fucked though. Causing someone to hurt themselves is not cool. Neither is conning someone out of money, or tricking a lady into sex she doesn't want. Still I think a rape charge is over the top. Rapists are those who force women to have sex, either physically or through blackmail/threat of violence to them or their loved ones. From what we know, it doesn't seem as though he did that.

What would you say if he convinced her her disease was fatal, and the only way to save her life would be to do the cream thing? (It's not a trick or a trap - I'm just curious what you would think if that were the case.)
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Boombats wrote:If you told a woman that if she slept with me all her wildest dreams would come true and she didn't get the pony and the Ferarri and the bigger boobs, would you then be a rapist?

If you give a hooker counterfeit bills (yes gentlemen this works very well) you have not raped her.

I don't agree.

I don't know where exactly the line should be drawn, that's the hard thing. But it's easy for me to put those two cases on opposite sides of it.

It's not rape in any of these scenarios. Consent, either by fraud, or honesty, is still consent.

"Why lady, let me apply penis cream to myself inside your Vagina, or else I'll die".

"Well, if you that's the only way you'll survive, go ahead."

That' consent by fraud, but it's still consent. She was involved in a consensual sexual relationship with George Costanza, even if it was by fraud.

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

OK Here's another piece of the story...

Swansea Crown Court heard today that Sbano originally told his victim, a woman from Pembrokeshire, west Wales, he was dying of cancer.

He claimed he had been told he had just six months to live and that sex was the only way to alleviate his condition.

As a result the woman, 36, a former teacher in a private school, readily agreed to have sex with him in an effort to relieve his pain.

Later she developed an illness which doctors at first believed was typhoid but which was eventually diagnosed as herpes.

At that point Sbano stepped in with what he claimed was advice from a friend who was a consultant regarding the best way to carry out her treatment.

so... she has consensual sex with this guy because she feels sorry for him, as he's told her he has cancer and only 6 months to live. then she gets herpes around her butthole. dude says, my doctor told me that if we have more anal sex (up to two to three times a day) and i use this cream, it will be all okay.

so at what point was it rape by deception? when he lied about having 6 months to live? or later after he (or whoever) gave her herpes in the butthole and suggested more anal?
Last edited by kenoki_Archive on Thu May 17, 2007 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Boombats wrote:If you told a woman that if she slept with me all her wildest dreams would come true and she didn't get the pony and the Ferarri and the bigger boobs, would you then be a rapist?

If you give a hooker counterfeit bills (yes gentlemen this works very well) you have not raped her.

I don't agree.

I don't know where exactly the line should be drawn, that's the hard thing. But it's easy for me to put those two cases on opposite sides of it.

That genital mutilation thing is fucked though. Causing someone to hurt themselves is not cool. Neither is conning someone out of money, or tricking a lady into sex she doesn't want. Still I think a rape charge is over the top. Rapists are those who force women to have sex, either physically or through blackmail/threat of violence to them or their loved ones. From what we know, it doesn't seem as though he did that.

What would you say if he convinced her her disease was fatal, and the only way to save her life would be to do the cream thing? (It's not a trick or a trap - I'm just curious what you would think if that were the case.)

I think if he told her she'd die if he didn't give her the dick, then yes I suppose that would be blackmail-powered rape. Granted she should have consulted someone who at least claimed to be a doctor, but we're not accounting for her ignorance here.

So can you clarify your position on the hooker counterfeit scam thing? Are you saying that counts as rape?

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

At what point are we responsible for our own decisions? People lie to us all the time. Ads, spam, junk mail. We all have a choice not to respond to that stuff. We all have a choice to be informed or to be ignorant. The chick fell for the fraud. But she had plenty of time to consult an actual doctor, or one of her girlfriends, who could have easily slapped some sense into her. Yes she's a victim, but not of rape.

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

If they were both consenting adults, it was not rape. Think about the precedent this would set, if every woman who slept with a man who lied could have him jailed for rape.

Besides, I refuse to believe that anybody could be that stupid. I mean, it's such an obvious and creepy ploy for sex. It sounds to me like this was some kind of kinky game between the two of them, and now this woman is unhappy for one reason or another, so she's using it against him.

I admit that the money angle doesn't really fit into this theory of mine, but who knows? A couple who are good friends of mine once told me that they sometimes like to play "gigolo" or "hooker" and pay one another for sex...

Woman " Tricked Into Sex" By Penis Cream Treatment

Linus Van Pelt wrote:...I hope this one comes out the other way.

This woman was a fuck'n idiot as well. End of story.

Yngwie Einstein wrote:Yes she's a victim, but not of rape.

A victim of being a total moron.

As said above, people try and lie to me everyday, I just got two "I have millions in a account, help me unlock it!". Would you guys have any sympathy for me if I came crying that I'd lost my life saving by going along with them? No you would not. Should these women be regarded any differently simply because it was sex and not money (or in one case both).

These people are idiots and should be ignored at best, ridiculed at worst.

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