Bill Hicks

Total votes: 6 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 66 (92%)
Total votes: 72

Comedian: Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks is probably the most intellegent comedian ever. all of his material is as relevent now as it was ten years ago or so.
"I think that most music is dangerous because it tends to systematize thought -- you think in patterns -- you "know" what's coming before you even hear it." Boyd Rice

Comedian: Bill Hicks

Don't get me wrong, I love Bill Hicks as a man and a decent soul and as a commenter on fucked-up funny shit including drugs and politics and sex. However, to be truly critical we must dissect even our heroes. His "routine" could be slow at times, taking a bit too long to get to the jokes. At least I'm basing this on the shows I've seen. He is not the funniest comic, but the most insightful and brave since Lenny Bruce. Sorry but there are several other comics I could name that have more violently hilarious material and delivery. I think people glow for Hicks because A: he's a dead hero and B: his subject material was stuff a lot of people didn't approach with a long stick. We feel so close to his stuff because he brought us close, us outcasts and non-conformists and generally wierd wigged-out mofos. But the dude maybe should have not eaten mushrooms right before getting on stage sometimes, cuz he could really take too long explaining shit sometimes.

Just sayin. But definitely Not Crap. Excellent man

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