
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

DrAwkward wrote:It was definitely a slow-moving episode, and kinda anticlimatic after the incredible action-packed future episode three weeks ago. I think everyone was expecting a knock-down, dragout multiple-powers war between Sylar and Peter, and we got a few punches. MEH.

Also, nobody died in this episode. Peter and Nathan are both still alive, i am sure of it. #1 rule of comic book death: if you didn't see the body, they're not dead. Rule #2: if you DID see the body, there's still a good chance they're not dead. Thus, Sylar? Matt? Not dead.

Disappointing lack of action notwithstanding, i cannot WAIT for season two.

unarmedman - i agree, it really should have been two hours... but the one hour, or 44 minutes, we got was pretty f'in good. although, i admit, a little underwhelming on the action tip. but ando is alive!!!!! hurrah!!!!

now i am totally intrigued with charles devereaux......... not to mention the man molly mentions who "can see back." creepy!!! i believe sylar is dead for this reason-- we have got to have a new, meaner villain now that the superteam is near full-force.

i don't think i can tolerate nathan having died... maybe he flew homie up high enough to fly away as he exploded and then flew back once the show was over to catch peter? hm..... that's the only way i see him surviving unless hiro got involved before ending up in the 1600s. (exciting!!)

and i am really questioning mrs. petrelli's behaviour more than i previously had.

god....... volume two...... HURRY UP ALREADY.

TV show: Heroes

kenoki wrote:now i am totally intrigued with charles devereaux......... not to mention the man molly mentions who "can see back." creepy!!! i believe sylar is dead for this reason-- we have got to have a new, meaner villain now that the superteam is near full-force.

I believe that the one who Molly doesn't want to locate is Uluruu (sp?) he's only been mentioned once in the actual show, by D.L. - who insinuates that he was in an issue of 9th wonders, and scary enough to keep the little kid awake at night. That he can see Molly seems to jive with one of the earlier comics where Isaac is painting Uluruu and he knows that Isaac is there and calls out to him.

I'd like to believe Sylar is dead, but am almost certain that he isn't. Notice how there's always a cockroach crawling around when everyone thinks he's dead? Not very subtle to be sure, but I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what ability it could be. Does he enter some kind of stasis, that would allow him to heal really slowly? (as opposed to Claire's almost instantaneous regen.)

TV show: Heroes

Chromodynamic wrote:
kenoki wrote:now i am totally intrigued with charles devereaux......... not to mention the man molly mentions who "can see back." creepy!!! i believe sylar is dead for this reason-- we have got to have a new, meaner villain now that the superteam is near full-force.

I believe that the one who Molly doesn't want to locate is Uluruu (sp?) he's only been mentioned once in the actual show, by D.L. - who insinuates that he was in an issue of 9th wonders, and scary enough to keep the little kid awake at night. That he can see Molly seems to jive with one of the earlier comics where Isaac is painting Uluruu and he knows that Isaac is there and calls out to him.

I'd like to believe Sylar is dead, but am almost certain that he isn't. Notice how there's always a cockroach crawling around when everyone thinks he's dead? Not very subtle to be sure, but I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what ability it could be. Does he enter some kind of stasis, that would allow him to heal really slowly? (as opposed to Claire's almost instantaneous regen.)

Uluruu??? I vaguely remember a DL talking about '9th Wonders' scaring Micah... I'll have to go back sometime and get the references. I completely don't remember the comic where Isaac paints Uluruu though. Very interesting... I guess I will be downloading the PDFs this afternoon. I am glad that they are keeping the comics going throughout the summer.

I rewatched 'How to Stop an Exploding Man' last night with my honey. The first time around (after writing my last post) I didn't realize the streak of blood leading to the manhole was an indication that Sylar had split. I guess I wasn't seeing things in proportion and thought it was a small smear and a tiny drain. I was wondering instead what the significance of the cockroach was. Now I get it. Hopefully he dies over the summer, although now I doubt it. I think you are right about the stasis... They've mentioned roaches and spewed some facts such as: roaches can live up to 9 days without their heads, and can significantly lower their heart rate to stay alive. When he went into his white-eye thing, maybe this was what he was doing. Lowering his heart rate to prevent total blood loss, as well as seeing the most appropriate future to get through it. I mean, his main power is figuring things out, so maybe he figured out how to deal with mortal wounds from the inside out. Who knows...

Bring on the Uluuru. Let's do this.

TV show: Heroes

o.k..... sooo......

Three things I learned on Heroes tonight:

1. Don't attempt a back-tuck off a tower if you're out of practice.

2. Zachary Quinto looks ridiculous in Hawaiian clothing.

3. Some people will do anything for an iPod.

Great ending, though.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

TV show: Heroes

I really don't like the Hiro side story now, the man behind the mask is... a Kevin Mccid look alike!

Do the best JPN samurai always have to be white guys? what is w/ that. and on a "nitpicker" note, would japanese language from that era match up so well w/ Hiro's 2007 japanese? Even more so Hiro's 2007 broken english is easily understood by an englishman from that era?

corny. the best parts of the episode were the attempts at humor, my favorite scene was the dog make out and the family reacting to it.

I'm also having a hard time w/ Hayden P. I think too much offseason spotlight red carpet stuff for her, the Lindsy Lohan effect if you will, her mom on perezhilton constantly, her make out scenes w/ the other Heroes cast member, her bikin shots her music youtubes...

its too much already. She was one of my favs last year and now Im like just release a sex tape and go to rehab already! The mutant wanna be boyfriend emo stalker was absolutely ridiculously generic. Are you a robot or an alien? just STFU and go to myspace you emo douche

Even tho the illegal alien side story was completely boring and predictable, it was my fav sub plot of the ep. This idea that Matt Parkman and Dr SaanDeep are my two dadding it up is a little disturbing, although parkman dude is a good actor, his character is cheese. The Molly character saves that side plot

I thought the flyin man swoosh w/ the beard was cool. I like that character all angsty and rugged.

I didnt miss the Michah lil douche at all, his character blows and his acting is atrocious. The Molly character does kid acting right, Michah constantly seems like he is playing himself or doing a jay leno bore fest interview.

I really miss some of the early season 1 characters like the dark haired chick

I'd (over)rate it a 7/10 - bonus points for not flopping amid really high expectations and more bonus points for limited commercials.

TV show: Heroes

Claire's new.. uh, love interest? What a fucking douchebag; his diatribe about robots and aliens made me want to vomit. The only redeeming feature about him is the mildly sinister undertone that is established in the graphic novel, I can hope he gets the shit beat out of him.

Maya and Alejandro were decent.

Nathan is an awesome drunk.

Hiro's story has indeed been watered down and although it's conceivable that the Japanese language in 1671 would be different, it would probably be no more difficult to understand than the varying dialects they have over there nowadays. I won't write it off just yet, not until I find out what Kensei's power is.

I'm kind of bummed we didn't find out what Kaito's power was, if he even had one.

Molly is so cute, even when she's angry.

Parkman isn't as much of a dope as he was last season, which is nice.

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