mattw wrote:Curious to hear any other suggestions/thoughts/complaints/praises about these guys.
"Lares and Penates" is another amazing song from
Beheaded, and I pretty much love all of
Transaction de Novo, apart from "Lepidoptera," which would be a great song for a lot of bands, but doesn't make it for me in comparison to the other songs here.
I'm going to go ahead and admit, though, that I'm apparently the only person for whom The New Year doesn't do it. I bought the debut,'s hard to say why, but in every way that Bedhead grabbed me, TNY doesn't. I've done the listen-and-relisten routine, going back to see if I can dig it this time, but each time it fails to latch. I must say that the lyrics are often giving me trouble here (see "Gasoline"); maybe it's that they stick out more now that the vocals are more present.
This is, of course, merely one asshole's opinion, and is in no way meant to diminish the joy that everyone else seems to be deriving from TNY.