Shellac May 17th KoKo

Rimbaud III wrote:Sorry, I wasn't being a snob or suggesting that he was in some way less entitled to be there than us rotters! In fact, he was nothing short of courteous in warning us against going down a certain flight of stairs because they were a bit 'stinky'.
Actually, thinking back on it now, this may have been his way of covering for a particualrly potent bum-burp.

Hell yeah! Those staircases up the sides STUNK. It was like someone had eaten shit and vomited it back again. It had the slow queasy hugging quality of poo mixed with the sharp fruity tang of puke. (Innit).
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

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