Who Won?

Total votes: 4 (67%)
The Fans
Total votes: 2 (33%)
Total votes: 6

ATP vs The Fans: Please File Your Report Here

Ishmael wrote:
sphincter wrote:Some guy was shouting abuse at the band. Todd stopped, got up to the mic and said something like- 'I know you think we suck, but nothing would make me happier right now than you leaving- out the door. You may think we suck...etc you have the right to think what you want but can you think it outside etc, you faggot? prick? in your polo shirt and white sun glasses etc'

That is awesome.

I hope when I'm 50 years old, I'm still playing really complicated noise-rock, sporting a Goth haircut, and calling people "faggot."

I may have made up the faggot part, he may have used a more PC word that would upset you less Mr. Advanced.

ATP vs The Fans: Please File Your Report Here

sphincter wrote:Thanks to youtube life is one long streamable video.


He didn't say 'faggot'. I use that word too much, people might think I'm one of those homophobes.

Sound quality is horrible in this.

Some of the other videos of their performance actually sound OK. They were fucking amazing.

I don't see what the big deal is. Someone heckled the band and they responded. I don't know any band that handles a heckler better than Shellac.

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