spoot wrote:I'm surprised how little kill-yr-idols talk I've heard about these Pixies reunion shows. They're charging an obscene amount of money for these shows; there's this indie-rock-pioneers-who-started-it-all talk going on that makes no sense to me; and now I hear that last night's encore was Gigantic - which they had already played!
I can certainly understand the desire to make stacks and stacks of money off of your earlier success. But come on, folks! $30 a ticket? More? What the fuck? Yet people still seem to hold this band, and these shows they're playing, in extremely high regard. Sure, they put out some good records; but that was long ago. Maybe they're having fun playing the old hits, and good for them if they are; but at this point they're basically playing Vegas. Please, people: show a little disrespect!
Who cares? Don't buy a ticket. At least it's the original band and not one or two with some hired guns. Some of us never got to see them the first time around and are happy for the chance to. They played an hour and a half and played well. Just go enjoy them if you can, or stay home and focus on your petty judgemental criticisms. Whatever makes you happier.