band : Technician

Total votes: 6 (13%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 14 (31%)
This Band Creeps Me Out
Total votes: 13 (29%)
Total votes: 12 (27%)
Total votes: 45

band : Technician

We sounded like Shellac! We smelled like lacquer! Or maybe it was a Spar Varnish? No, it was definitely the smell of our lungs being encrusted with the pumice from a fine, fine French Polish.

George, if you need anything else to do a cover of "I Found a Photograph of My Future and My Future Looked Like..."; tab, lyrics, historical documents: don't hesitate to call or e-mail me. Sorry if I've been incommunicado. The Pink World is often more demanding than the "Punk" one.

band : Technician

In light of the soulseek hoax, I decided to go to Technician's website and listen to their songs.

I don't think they sound all that much like Shellac. The sound of their instruments is very similar, but the songs? Technician sound like very emotional young men, and to me that puts them worlds apart.

I think they would sound a lot better without vocals, but I don't think they are crap.

Rodabod wrote:Post "hilarious" forum quote here.

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