So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

spoot wrote:I'm surprised how little kill-yr-idols talk I've heard about these Pixies reunion shows. They're charging an obscene amount of money for these shows; there's this indie-rock-pioneers-who-started-it-all talk going on that makes no sense to me; and now I hear that last night's encore was Gigantic - which they had already played!

I can certainly understand the desire to make stacks and stacks of money off of your earlier success. But come on, folks! $30 a ticket? More? What the fuck? Yet people still seem to hold this band, and these shows they're playing, in extremely high regard. Sure, they put out some good records; but that was long ago. Maybe they're having fun playing the old hits, and good for them if they are; but at this point they're basically playing Vegas. Please, people: show a little disrespect!

Who cares? Don't buy a ticket. At least it's the original band and not one or two with some hired guns. Some of us never got to see them the first time around and are happy for the chance to. They played an hour and a half and played well. Just go enjoy them if you can, or stay home and focus on your petty judgemental criticisms. Whatever makes you happier.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

El Protoolio wrote:Who cares? Don't buy a ticket. ... stay home and focus on your petty judgemental criticisms. Whatever makes you happier.

That's what I'm doing, and for the very reason you state. I'm just surprised there aren't more people doing the same thing.

I talked to a friend today about this, and he said something to the effect of "the whole selling-out-for-big-bucks thing doesn't have nearly the same stigma as it did when, say, the Pixies were together." Maybe that's why I'm not hearing so much grousing - the cashing-in-on-the-reunion thing is accepted now, where a few years back people were much more cynical about it.

I know that, of course. I think it's astounding that this band can get back together for a year or two and probably not have to worry about money ever again, & I do not hold that against them in any way. Still, I think it's worthy of critique - especially if they're playing Gigantic twice in the same show.

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

I was contemplating seeing them in Phoenix, but I gave it some real thought and decided against it, in silent protest.

First of all, the tickets were $40, and I believe it was GA. I saw Bob Dylan for less than that.

Second, I think Frank Black is a real tool, and I would have a problem lining his Krispy Kreme-filled pockets with more dough to finance his shitty solo career.

I love Kim Deal/Breeders, though, and I would probably see them.
Tiny Monk site and blog

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

spoot wrote: Still, I think it's worthy of critique - especially if they're playing Gigantic twice in the same show.

Everything is worthy of critque, you are correct.

You are also correct about Gigantic, I was bummed to hear it twice. Kim seemed to be fucking around and playing the line and Francis started singing and she said "are you serious?" and they just went into it.

Still, I enjoyed the show and heard enough moaning and whining about "selling out" in the 90's to last me a lifetime. I'm going again tonight if I can find a ticket under $10.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

funny, i never would have payed 35 bucks to see them when they were still actively a band making records. but now, i think everyone agrees it is a novelty, a bit of nostalgia for the audience. for the band it is like they are cashing in a savings bond.

i also saw the sex pistols reunion with glen matlock. again, the tickets were like 35 bucks, and again, it was all novelty and nostalgia. but does that really matter? in these scenarios all parties involved, audience and performer are pretty open with exchange happening. it is not like i have held the pixies or the sex pistols up as a measure of any integrity for many many years. i see no harm done. let them get fat and roll around in the money.

speaking of which, i wonder how much money the pixies are taking in on this tour?

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

dah wrote:does that really matter? in these scenarios all parties involved, audience and performer are pretty open with exchange happening.

That's a better way of looking at it. It's true, there's really no harm done - everyone's basically enjoying themselves and/or the money they're making.

Still, I expect people to mention the ... what's the word - crass? qualities of the exchange more than they seem to be doing. For variety's sake, if nothing else.

So I m not going to lie, the saturday Pixies show was neat.

I am happy that the Pixies are "cashing in". I hope they make a shit load of money and sell tons of their old records. I hope that lots of 14 year old girls and boys see the show and are inspired to play music.

Also, usually when I have listened to "Gigantic" or lots of other Pixies songs I often hit rewind and listen to it again, so I wouldn't hold playing the same song twice against them.

Making money playing music is damn near impossible so I applaud the Pixies for writing great music and making (hopefully) lots of money! Considering how many people they have inspired they deserve to live like Kings.

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