Who Won?

Total votes: 4 (67%)
The Fans
Total votes: 2 (33%)
Total votes: 6

ATP vs The Fans: Please File Your Report Here

loaf wrote:LOL

that video is hilarious

my favourite moment was when i shouted 'seven nation army' and todd started playing it.

it's a bit shit that people are calling me a 'scenster', i was totally on my own heckling them.

Oh man! YR SO KRZY!!!1!!

Seriously, if you are the guy in the vid, what made you think that any of that was a) funny and b) necessary?
I mean, surely the dearth of uproarious laughter every time you opened your mouth was indication enough that you were being a twat. No? If you're getting off on the attention you're getting for being a knobber, you must have some serious intellectual and emotional issues.

You should come along and watch Oxbow with me. Really.

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