Bob has convinced me 9/11 is a vast conspiracy

Yes it has
Total votes: 19 (26%)
No it hasn't
Total votes: 55 (74%)
Total votes: 74

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

Sorry, it'll bug the hell out of me if I don't jump in.

big_dave wrote:I don't think anyone describes themselves as a Marxist nowadays.

There's a vast amount of people that call themselves "Marxists". Idiots they may be, but there are plenty.

and Totalitarianism

big_dave wrote:A hazy word. Again purely description and mostly used to describe an individual, or small group's, influence and not a political thought itself. I cannot imagine anyone forming an expressly totalitarian political party to advance their views of totalitarianism.

Nazism is a perfect example of Totalitarianism. More specifically, the Third Reich.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

simmo wrote:
tmidgett wrote:I do not post here much anymore.

The main reason is that I have tired of the insults, self-righteousness, and half-learned analysis from people like Clocker Bob.

I don't have a lot of time, and I'm not all that willing to spend it on people I'd surely avoid if I encountered them face to face.

Needless to say, he has not changed my mind about 9/11, though he has changed the EA board rather significantly. He should really have his own forum here (not joking).


You'll be sorely missed.

I'd miss Clocker Bob a lot more but hey I am a big fan of insults and self-righteousness, big fan
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

Yngwie Einstein wrote:Why did I just waste all this time to read a bunch of name-calling? Really, y'all could be the most knowledgeable people on the subject, but when you hurl insults at one another out of frustration, you really undercut any credibility and just come off as nut jobs.

who are you calling nut job, you dick....dickpump?
Last edited by kerble_Archive on Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
kerble is right.

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

simmo wrote:
tmidgett wrote:I do not post here much anymore.

You'll be sorely missed.

I did try a plea for sanity about five hours ago but it didn't work.


I will also miss tmidgett if he's really leaving. I don't think I can make this forum sane or insane on my own, simmo. And there might be a slight difference in opinions about what gives this forum sanity also. I hope you can acknowledge that.

If people want to make me the scapegoat for some perceived decline in the forum, I can't stop them, and at the same time, I can't stop them from adding the content that they want to see, nor would I if I could. I'm totally outnumbered, and that normally means defeat, but I guess I never realized my awesome power to make this forum into my forum ( which it isn't- that's bullshit ).

There is a BIG Bob-free zone on this forum. I've been in the same two threads all day. I'm never in the lighter threads much at all ( music, cats, sports, whatever ), but if I am, I'm on topic. I'm on topic in the political threads, too. What else can I do? I practice free speech as best I can in the threads I like. All the NWO and 9/11 and Iraq threads started by me are clearly marked as such. There's no deceptive advertising about what you're going to find in a thread I start.

I don't see why I stand accused as public enemy #1. Total mystery to me.

If I can waste some more words, I think that *possibly* living for six+ years under an insane president who makes insane wars after a huge terrorist event that is shocking as all hell no matter who did it, well, all that has frayed America's nerves very badly.( I know this is not an American forum, but it's what I know best. )Of course, the Depression was worse or the civil war or the world wars, but for our time, this is the worst we have known.

I think for people 20-40, we are getting worn down by the apprehension we have over where our country might be going. We seem to have lost control of it. I have never felt so displaced from government as I do right now. I feel like a total pawn every day, a complete observer.

Just throwing that out there. I can understand that for the people who use this forum as a place to escape the world, seeing my posts must suck. I'm left in a tough spot. I don't want to not care about this country any more, but the only way I know how to show that I do care is to write about it, and that means writing bad news.

I'll probably take a break for a while. I don't want to, but it seems like a good time for it. If a month goes by and the forum isn't what you want it to be, it will be time to start looking at others for blame.

( Oh, and thanks to the other 14 people who voted that the 9/11 official story is bullshit. I expected about six. )
Last edited by clocker bob_Archive on Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

Skronk wrote:Nazism is a perfect example of Totalitarianism. More specifically, the Third Reich.

The Nazi party didn't call themselves a Totalitarian party and it wasn't the main "thrust" of their policy, so to speak. Their ideology was based around bringing about the "third reich", but we can definitely see the clear, popular definition totalitarianism at play as a result of the power struggle between the inner party and the German military at the time. As outsiders we can look at Germany under the Nazi party and say, after the collapse of the old German government, certain men within the party exerted Totalitarian rule.

Perhaps more than any other "ism" listed so far, Totalitarianism is invented to describe a certain set of behaviours and effects within a government, as no government calls themseves totalitarian because it is such a pejorative and loaded term. The word might have been around before, but it now has a new and unique meaning based around historical events and regimes.

Totalitarianism is mostly used by the Liberal west to describe and condemn regimes, it rarely has the same meaning twice, hence me saying that it was "hazy".

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

Bob just edited his "public enemy n#1" post to include a plea for understanding and an explanation of his feelings of helplessness.

Granted my heart would be breaking if he hadn't called me, and a bunch of other sods, criminally insane warmongering retarded drug addicted traitor morons at least thrice per post for the past 10 pages.

Don't pull that thang out unless you intend to bang.

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