Bob has convinced me 9/11 is a vast conspiracy

Yes it has
Total votes: 19 (26%)
No it hasn't
Total votes: 55 (74%)
Total votes: 74

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

sparky wrote:
big_dave wrote:I mean, brahs, the biggest active threads right now are Clocker Bob bullshit being defended with Clocker Bob insults and Clocker Bob threats.

Dave, if everyone sought to redress each and every time they have felt slighted on a thread by Bob or anyone else, this forum would freeze.

So he's free to be an arsehole as much as he likes, and he's free to present other people's opinions in the manner that he wants? Just through force of volume and repetition?

I'm not exactly sobbing over this shit, but Clocker Bob is still a dick.

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

i realize i am not a part of this discourse (until now), but i have been following along, and i read at least one politically/conspiracy-charged clocker bob post a day. i find some of these 9/11 theories interesting to think about (in extreme moderation) and feel he is either very brave or very psychotic to to think about and research this stuff so exhaustively. were i to dedicate myself to this sort of stuff as he has, it would be the final tipping point and i would probably go crazy fer realz or, like an old conspiracy-obsessed roommate of mine, wake up crying most mornings (which i guess would equal going crazy, so...). i definitely think the whole calling board members liars and such has soured interesting discussions, mostly because he is always arguing with people clearly less educated on the subject, and the discussion itself, however mismatched the debaters, can be enlightening Q&A style for people not involved/just lurking about. the same goes for people who just log in to say he is a retard for speculating (as far as souring).

anyhow, clocker bob has said he would stop with the name-calling and i think that is a pretty darn big move. so, big dave... for the love of god... don't ruin this just to drive your point home.

big_dave wrote:Fall down a hole and die.

and with this... i think you have officially lost your right to continue calling him a dick. you are even steven.
Last edited by kenoki_Archive on Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Hands up who has had their mind changed about 9-11 by Bob?

I don't see the point of this thread. I tend to agree that threads should not be started about one specific person who posts on this forum.

That said, Bob, I may not always, or even very often, agree with you, but it is always interesting to read, even when you've pissed me off. When I go on this forum, I invariably look at the threads you start or participate in, almost always as the first threads I go to. Always thought-provoking, and sometimes infuriating, but always interesting.

We've all got our own quirky styles. Some are more obvious or quirky than others. That's what keeps this forum interesting.

I can't say he has changed my views on 9/11, but he has made it more of an open question. Maybe one of degree.

"Just A Question of Degree" is one of my favorite Wire songs. :)
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