You might like them both, but I bet you like one better. Which?

Total votes: 20 (77%)
Total votes: 6 (23%)
Total votes: 26

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

This seems mean, to be forced to choose.

I love them both equally, but i cite my father more often as an influence on who i am today.

My dad gave me morality without religion, "question authority," a solid dose of nerd, and nights in the backyard looking through our telescope at all manner of heavenly bodies.*

Mom taught me how to be a good German Catholic and repress my feelings and be all co-dependent about dad's drinking. She and her family did instill in my an awesome sense of humor and sense of family cameraderie, though. Very tough call.

But Dad's the one that took me to see Star Wars when i was three, so he wins by a hair.

*I set 'em up. You knock 'em down.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Your Favorite: Mom or Dad

It's hard to choose, both are great people. I wouldn't have turned out like I am today without them. So, they're both integral people in my life. Time to get back to Red House Painters...
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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