
Total votes: 4 (20%)
not crap.
Total votes: 16 (80%)
Total votes: 20

Pedal: The Wah-Wah

an observation:

correct me if im wrong, but a wah wah is just a band pass filter with some amount of resonance (must be a good amount of resonance in order to properly "wah"), where shifting the pedal changes the cutoff frequency up and down.

as such, there is a drawback of such a device: i want to change the resonance! i dont want fx companies like boss, vox, zoom, etc, telling me what resonance im going to be wah'ing at.

as an alternative: if i just record my guitar to one tape track, and run that track through a resonant filter in a new recording, i can twist the cutoff frequency knob to do the same wah effect, yet have my own setting for the resonance. or, to do it live (tweak the filter at the same time as my guitar playing) without having to replay a recording, maybe i could use some special midi-compatible pedal (do they exist?) to midi control a filter (the audio would pass through the filter, not the pedal, the pedal is just for midi), where i have set the filter to a resonance of my liking. after all, many filters, including analog ones (such as the electrix filter factory that i use), are midi-compatible.

anyhow, wah wah = not crap. lfo-modulated resonant filters are also not crap. envelope followers are also not crap.
http://www.soundclick.com/hanabimusic (band)
http://www.myspace.com/iambls (i make beats for that dude)

Pedal: The Wah-Wah

Skronk wrote:It's crap, except for Hendrix, and a couple of others. It's really overused, and comes out sounding like hair metal, or Alice in Chains.

Or Issac Hayes, Geroge Harrison, Jimmy Page, Dave Gilmour, Geezer Butler, Chet Atkins, Sugge Otis, and those slouches. They never made any good music with a wah.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Pedal: The Wah-Wah

BClark wrote:
lemur68 wrote:KIRK HAMMETT DOUDE

wikipedia wrote:
Kirk has often been criticised for his extensive use of the wah-wah pedal in his solos (particularly on more recent albums), but he insists, "The wah-wah is an extension of my personality".

that reminds me of that thing Bill Cosby said back when he was a comedian, and funny:

"What's so great about cocaine?"
"It intensifies your personality."
"Yeah, but what if you're an asshole?"

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