TB 1000S on Seattle Craig s List

hogrot wrote:yeah gallo is nuts for the wedges. i talked to him a couple weeks ago about trading for a 500 he's got.

That's so weird. Why any rich doude would want to buy the rarest of Travis Beans is beyond me. :wink:

Oh, and sad to say, anybody who has a couple grand sitting around right now is a fool not to buy the object of this thread and then flip it on eBay the day they get it and make a quick 75 or 100% profit. A fool, or super-ethical, take your pick.

Oh wait, it looks like that one was freakishly expensive. The other two Standards that sold recently went for like $2600 and $2800. So that would only be a 15% profit. For doing nothing. Except ruining the dreams of a not-as-rich rocker. :(
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

TB 1000S on Seattle Craig s List

gjhardwick wrote:holy fuck - if the prices on Beans go any higher i'd be stupid not to sell mine - my Standard hasn't even been taken out of its case in over a month...

I still play mine, but 4 large is nothing to sneeze at...considering I didn't pay even close to that for mine, and it's got a freakishly low serial number.

I keep waffling about selling it. It's my good friend, but the bills must be paid.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

TB 1000S on Seattle Craig s List

gjhardwick wrote:holy fuck - if the prices on Beans go any higher i'd be stupid not to sell mine - my Standard hasn't even been taken out of its case in over a month...

In the UK I bet you can get even more.

Every time I think I'm going to sell mine, the price goes up AGAIN.
I don't forsee a "market crash" at any point, so I'm just going to hold tight.

I have no right to own a $4000 guitar.

Good god...

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

TB 1000S on Seattle Craig s List

I sold my TB bass six years ago for $800. I'm really regretting it now. Since then I broke a finger on my left hand, it healed crooked, and I really can't play guitar or bass anymore anyway. But $800, man - I was a fool.

What's worse is that I sold it to a guy who played in a funk band. He told me to come check out his band sometime at Elbo Room.

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