Little details from your day

m.koren wrote:The hostel I'm staying at in San Francisco, is playing Slint's Spiderland in the reception area. No one seems to care.

Shit! Doesn't that mean that the Premier Rock Forum vanishes in a puff of smoke, and we go with it?

In other news, whilst cycling home through Kings Cross this avo, I saw Su Pollard.

Su Fucking Pollard

She looks and dresses even more like Su Pollard than you'd imagine would be possible - it's like she's condensed her essential Su Pollardness to such an extent that she sucks in light and matter as she walks.

Sorry. It's been a long hard week, and this nearly tipped me over the edge.

Somewhere there is a chilled glass of Stella waiting for me, with maybe a couple of her mates for afters.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

Little details from your day

Dudley wrote:Somewhere there is a chilled glass of Stella waiting for me, with maybe a couple of Su Pollard's mates for afters.

Fixed. I have Su Pollard's album, signed. On the cover, she is wearing an outfit which includes a 12" yellow candle sticking out the top of her head, and she's doing the 'my hand is the stone lion's mouth and the stone lion is eating it' thing.

Classy lady, Su Pollard.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Little details from your day

Was it about this time last week I went out of the door and noticed an old Bugatti parked up? I nipped out to drop some bottles (it is Friday after all) off at the bottle bank at the end of the road and was confronted with this little chap. I think it's a 1950s Austin A30? There's definitely some weird old car ripple in the fabric of space time going on.


Sure it looks like a coal scuttle compared to modern cars but whatever happened to curves?

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