Really Good Beers

stevenstillborn wrote:
slowriot wrote:when i'm feeling ambitious, i drive down to oak tree discount wine and liquors in south plainfield. that place is by far the best store for beer in the entire state.
Thanks for this. I'm making a note for my next wave of ambition.
I went down to Oak Tree and you were correct. What an outstanding store for beer.
I just found one closer to home that comes close:

On a completely different note, I'll be out in the suburbs of Milwaukee for a family reunion in a couple weeks. I'll have my car, so I was wondering if there was anyplace other than Lake Front I should check out (my relatives are Miller loyalists). Any suggestions, oh beer-town bretheren?
What are the queers doing to the soil?

Really Good Beers

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:

I hope it tastes like jazz!

Had one of these a couple months ago. It's pretty "high gravity" as they say, and thick as molasses. Chocolatey goodness.

When the Damned came here last year they went on the local radio station and talked about how they bring all their own beer on tour in the US. They went on to say that San Diego has some of the best microbrews in the entire world, and that they don't drink their own beer in SD.

There's a pizza place by the record store I work at where I can get a pint of stone for $2. Needless to say, I'm there quite frequently.

Really Good Beers

Stella is fucked up, gassy, over priced, chemically nasty, loony juice

Thing is, if you drink Stella from Belgium it doesn't send you mad and make you want to hit the wife and take up golf.

I question the purity of the brewing process in the UK. Apparently, alledgedy, Becks brewed in the UK is brewed under German purity laws. So you shouldn't go mad on that. Tennants Extra was particularly bad for sending you mad after four pints. Cheap night though.

De Koninck is a thing of beauty, especially if you can search out the tripel version. Westemalle in any guise is preeeetty good too.
dude, where's my life?

Really Good Beers

I dunno, I think Stella is vastly overrated. It's really not any better than your average European light lager, IMO.

English ales occasionally use refined sugar as a fermentable adjunct. Other than that, the English ale brewing practices aren't all that different from any other country's, except for Belgium. Belgium is the country that is famous for bizarre (and sometimes scary) brewing practices.

Then again, nothing in that country even comes close to the Colonial American horror that is "cock ale." Putting a whole crushed rooster carcass into the fermenter... now that's what I call an "impure brewing process".

Really Good Beers

stevenstillborn wrote:
stevenstillborn wrote:
slowriot wrote:when i'm feeling ambitious, i drive down to oak tree discount wine and liquors in south plainfield. that place is by far the best store for beer in the entire state.
Thanks for this. I'm making a note for my next wave of ambition.
I went down to Oak Tree and you were correct. What an outstanding store for beer.
I just found one closer to home that comes close:

On a completely different note, I'll be out in the suburbs of Milwaukee for a family reunion in a couple weeks. I'll have my car, so I was wondering if there was anyplace other than Lake Front I should check out (my relatives are Miller loyalists). Any suggestions, oh beer-town bretheren?

Is that the place that's on Rt-46, or just off 46? There was a store there that came highly recommended but I never visited, and I know Totowa is hit by that route. There is another place on Rt-22, very close to where it hits I-287, that had a nice selection. Not nearly as nice as Oak Tree, but good. I'm sorry I'm not still in NJ or I would go to this place you recommend. I'll just have to tell friends to go and report back to me.

What'd you pick up at Oak Tree? Anything in particular?

Really Good Beers

Colonel Panic wrote:I dunno, I think Stella is vastly overrated. It's really not any better than your average European light lager, IMO.

English ales occasionally use refined sugar as a fermentable adjunct. Other than that, the English ale brewing practices aren't all that different from any other country's, except for Belgium. Belgium is the country that is famous for bizarre (and sometimes scary) brewing practices.

Then again, nothing in that country even comes close to the Colonial American horror that is "cock ale." Putting a whole crushed rooster carcass into the fermenter... now that's what I call an "impure brewing process".

My point was that Stella will not send you mad in Belgium, unless you've taken your own from the UK. As a beer, it's a nice Summer Terrace tipple, but unworthy of great praise in the beer world.

Should Cock Ale be combined with Bush beer?
dude, where's my life?

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