Really Good Beers

Well I don't know of any commercial examples of cock ale as a style, though I heard that the Samuel Adams brewery did once make a small batch of it for an anniversary party at their brewery.

It's an old farmhouse recipe from the Colonial days. I doubt it was ever a really popular drink or anything, though it was supposed to have some, um, medicinal properties.

Spruce beer is another style of ale that was made back in the Colonial times. I wonder if any modern microbreweries make one. If I could find a recipe I'd like to try homebrewing a batch.

Really Good Beers

slowriot wrote:
stevenstillborn wrote:
stevenstillborn wrote:
slowriot wrote:when i'm feeling ambitious, i drive down to oak tree discount wine and liquors in south plainfield. that place is by far the best store for beer in the entire state.
Thanks for this. I'm making a note for my next wave of ambition.
I went down to Oak Tree and you were correct. What an outstanding store for beer.
I just found one closer to home that comes close:

Is that the place that's on Rt-46, or just off 46? There was a store there that came highly recommended but I never visited, and I know Totowa is hit by that route. There is another place on Rt-22, very close to where it hits I-287, that had a nice selection. Not nearly as nice as Oak Tree, but good. I'm sorry I'm not still in NJ or I would go to this place you recommend. I'll just have to tell friends to go and report back to me.

What'd you pick up at Oak Tree? Anything in particular?
Yes, that is the one just off 46. It used to be a "discount liquor" place that was compeltely unremarkable. Now, they have a very good selection, particularly of domestic micros.

Now, as to Oak Tree, it was hard for me because I limited myself to 6 beers and a 750mL. In the end I couldn't even stick to that. The real highlights, though were these: Rochefort 8
Old Chub
Wurzburger Hofbrau Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel
I will very definitely be going back, if only for their imports. They have a TON of excellent Germans and Belgians.
What are the queers doing to the soil?

Really Good Beers

2207 wrote:Thing is, if you drink Stella from Belgium it doesn't send you mad and make you want to hit the wife and take up golf.

Belgian Stella is nothing at all like British Stella (British Stella is filth). If you can get your hands on imported Belgian Stella then consider yourself lucky. It is in a different league. It should smell a bit of weed and be fairly hoppy.

I question the purity of the brewing process in the UK. Apparently, alledgedy, Becks brewed in the UK is brewed under German purity laws.

Becks brewed in the UK? Nah. Becks will be from Germany and should be decent quality. Very dry and slightly metallic.

Really Good Beers

stevenstillborn wrote:Old Chub

I've mentioned this to another forum member before, but Old Chub has the following things going for it:

1. It's called Old Chub.
2. It comes from Lyons, CO, a little mountain rat town just northwest of Longmont (as in the Potion Castle).
3. It is a quality can beer.
4. It's called Old Chub.

Old Chub.

Chris Herbert, if you are reading this, I tried Duchess de Bourgogne last week. It was my 30th birthday and I shared one of the big bottles with a friend who turned 30 the day after me. We then took a pleasant bike ride. It was an incredible beer.

Marupialized, after you finish those wheat beers, can you pick up the bottles with your pussy?

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