Chad Johnson

Lame, arrogant CRAP
Total votes: 2 (18%)
Funny, good natured NOT CRAP
Total votes: 9 (82%)
Total votes: 11

NFL Player: Chad Johnson

lemur68 wrote:Sanders, Deion

Deion Sanders is far, far more noted for being a "shut-down" cornerback and game changing kick returner than he is for being a wide receiver. In fact, it's an easy argument to make that Deion Sanders is more famous for being an outfielder than he is for being a wide receiver.

And you were doing so well with Terrell Owens and Michael Irvin!

Maybe next time you'll throw a pre-Katrina Joe Horn into your prima donna example pool. You'll be better off.

Anyway, in the case of Deion Sanders, I guess that we will never know why journeymen .260 slap hitters are such prima donnas. I imagine that prima donnas must gravitite toward such roles. I mean, Deion Sanders must be held accountable for showing up pitchers all around baseball by regularly standing at the plate and admiring his majestic opposite field handle shot flares as they softly dropped to the turf between the shortstop and left fielder.

Hey, you might believe that Deion Sanders has a big ego. To me, this is understandable in light of the fact that Deion Sanders is: (i) the greatest cornerback in the history of professional football; (ii) the only human being to have played in both the World Series and the Super Bowl; and (iii) the only person who has Jesus Christ as an accountant.

All right. Who's up for Portillo's?

NFL Player: Chad Johnson

nfurnier wrote:I live in Cincinnati and Chad is massively popular.

I too live in Cincinnati, and though I'm not a Bengals fan I can't help but enjoy CJ's act. Then when the lights are off it's not uncommon to see him pushing a cart around the Bellvue Kroger or eating breakfast at First Watch on 7th street. Seems like regular guy when nobody's watching.

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