Crap-Not Crap: The Game
111Interpol is nothing phenomenal, or even really very good. They have very simple song structures and musicianship, which isn't really always a bad thing, but it just seems as if all of their music is very forced and pre-planned; I feel that when I'm listening to the band, all of the joy of listening to music, all of the spontaneity is just gone. And I'm not saying that the music has to be happy, but if the musicians seem like they're having a really shitty time recording, it's not going to come out well. I think this is why I don't like Sonic Youth: what they play is interesting, but they never seem interested in what they're playing- the disinterest is intentional, but that doesn't make me feel any better about them. But Interpol is just not a good band. They'll be forgotten in a year.