New EA sendspace thread

sleepkid wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:Tuolumne, it's because all those albums are available commercially and very easy to find through conventional channels. This thread was not created for the purpose of pirating readily available material. Rather, it is about sharing rare, out-of-print, limited editions or other hard to find items.

This entire BBS forum is hosted, operated and paid for at the expense of the Electrical Audio studio, and to bring any trouble--legal or otherwise--down upon EA for copyright infringement or piracy would be an unfair abuse of our privileges using this service.

I don't mean to sound condescending or anything. Just wanted to state it as explicitly as possible.

I'm sure Tuolumne is already aware of this.

Yes! I am in fact aware of all of these facts. And I don't mind the brusque reply from the Colonel. Whatever, it's just the interweb. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about what to post and what not to post here, and there seem to be some gray areas, as evidenced by the Comets on Fire post above and countless others in this thread.

Colonel actually brings up an interesting topic about not posting "popular commercial releases". How exactly would that term be defined? Sabbath fits into that category, but perhaps Comets on Fire does as well (I have no idea how popular they might be - maybe they're huge in Santa Cruz, who knows). Both are commercially available. Where is the line drawn?
2 Allah Me

New EA sendspace thread

sleepkid wrote:If you're not going to help. Just shut the fuck up. This is just you upping you goddamn post count. Really sick of it.

...and you do sound condescending. So again, you know what to do.

Dude, calm the fuck down. It's Colonel's posts not yours, let the grown man do as he pleases.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

New EA sendspace thread

Tuolumne wrote: Where is the line drawn?

I come with my big stick to draw the line.


I will draw it here.....


Yes, looks good there.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

New EA sendspace thread

Generally, the way I regard this thread is, if you want the first four Black Sabbath albums or something similar, go ahead and download a torrent program, or Soulseek, and find it there.

This thread is for stuff I never would have heard about otherwise, like pretty much everything Nina's put up.

So far, I myself have put up either wildly out-of-print things (Skafish, Spalding Gray) or things that have such a narrow audience it hardly matters if someone buys the damned thing (John Gavanti).
Hey. My name's Josh.

New EA sendspace thread

Steve V. wrote:Hey all you sexies... any good audiobooks? I have a long (20-hour) driving trip coming up, so I need something to listen to that will enhance my brain.


With my most-recent long drive completed, I have sadly deleted everything off my iPod and hard drive. For this, I apologize.

If you would like some recommendations (I don't know if you have Soulseek or anything like that), here are a few:

Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States (read by matt damon, which kind of blows, but is easily ignored)
Bob Dylan: Chronicles (read by sean penn. everything sounds really self-aggrandizing - not sure if that is dylan's writing or penn's delivery)
I think you can find HST reading "Fear and Loathing..."
Stephen Hawking has a few, Timothy Leary "how the brain works"...
Orson Welles doing "war of the worlds" with the mercury theater group.

Speaking of which, I did searches on Soulseek for "OTR" (old-time-radio), which came up with some incredible programs from long ago (ray bradbury, vincent price, "the shadow", edward r. murrow reports, etc). You can also find podcasts of many, many current radio shows. Something about listening to Art Bell's show made for a fantastic, surreal night of driving.

I'll think of more and edit this list as I remember what else I had downloaded.

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