New EA sendspace thread

Tuolumne wrote:"popular commercial releases". How exactly would that term be defined? Sabbath fits into that category, but perhaps Comets on Fire does as well (I have no idea how popular they might be - maybe they're huge in Santa Cruz, who knows). Both are commercially available. Where is the line drawn?

Yeah, so far it seems to mean "anything commercially available (still in print) that was created at EA or by anyone directly associated with it."

Do we really need to define this rule, or should we just let it slide until the studio starts receiving cease-and-desist letters in the mail?

I dunno. It seems like the EA Sendspace thread posters have done an adequate job of policing our own content thus far, but how do we know?

Should we have some sort of ground rules?

And I'm sorry it that post sounded a little snippy. I didn't mean to bite your head off, Tuolumne.

New EA sendspace thread

Hi, new to the forum, wondered if anyone could kindly re-up the Robert Johnson and the Browns stuff? I need Company No Company and the 7"... (I have the s/t already.)

The links from a couple months ago are dead.

Hope you can help, thanks in advance!


PS - these are long o.o.p., so please don't break my balls; I'd buy 'em if I could find 'em!
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

New EA sendspace thread

Why not limit the posting of stuff like Comets on Fire and Black Sabbath to private messages to whoever requested them?

Nina - I unfortunately had to stop my record ripping at work because we started to get an unholy hum coming out of our outlets that was seriously fucking my recordings with background noise...

Seriously blows....
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

New EA sendspace thread

[quote="cjh"]Here y'go:

I'm afraid Vibrant Forms II is still at large, I'll find it although this is the stronger album of the two.

thank you so much. i have bits and pieces of vibrant forms II but would love the rest. i'm really enjoying the first one. cheers!
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

New EA sendspace thread

fiery jack wrote:not strictly a sendspace link but...

perhaps it's because I was working in a fine record shop at the time and had easy access to them, but it's always seemed to me that '92 -> about '94 was a particularly strong time for singles - DLJ's Bullet train to vegas, Unwound's caterpillar, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy planet singles, the Table singles etc etc. However, one of my all-time favourites, and a rare example of the B side being just as good as the A side, has just been posted on the splendid "Something I learned today" blog.

Gaunt: Jim Motherfucker/Spine 7"

it's a bit of a shame that, for me, the rest of Gaunt's stuff never really lived up to the promise of that single. I think it still sounds spectacular.

Thanks for the link, Fiery Jack. These Gaunt 7" are great.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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