sleepkid wrote:Morgan Le Fay on tour... Or is this what Lita Ford looks like now?
I think that's a still from the Kiss Me Ugly video.
Moderator: Greg
sleepkid wrote:Morgan Le Fay on tour... Or is this what Lita Ford looks like now?
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.
scott wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:Now when someone asks "what do you do?"
She can say, "Oh I do a little modelling."
sleepkid wrote:
lemur68 wrote:juice wrote:
I wonder if she actually fucked Brian May.
lemur68 wrote:juice wrote:
I wonder if she actually fucked Brian May.
sleepkid wrote:...and then this one is just plain nasty:
sleepkid wrote:...and last, here's a link of a bunch of NSFW dumber than a bag of hammers pictures of girls with guitars. Hotguitarist.Com - who knew?
sleepkid wrote:
...and go ahead and plug that incredibly ugly fretless whatever bass into that guitar amp there. Rock it. Really, just go ahead.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...
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