Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11


I understand the (welcome) subtly you suggest considering, but even if that's true you have to move on to the second objection I raised.

How is it that in both the CIA and al Qaeda the machiavellian hypocritical liars rise to positions of power to commit conspiracies with the publicly stated enemies, and the true believers (who are in far greater numbers) never do?

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

galanter wrote:Earwicker,

I understand the (welcome) subtly you suggest considering, but even if that's true you have to move on to the second objection I raised.

How is it that in both the CIA and al Qaeda the machiavellian hypocritical liars rise to positions of power to commit conspiracies with the publicly stated enemies, and the true believers (who are in far greater numbers) never do?

Because they are self serving bastards. They don't give a fuck about some stupid cause unless it helps them get what they want: Power. They look at all those true believers and see means to an end. The true believers rarely get these positions because what they really want is someone to tell them what to do, and to tell them that whatever it is they are doing is good.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Bob, I mean Rick,

I think you are the one who has problems with shades of grey.

You seem to not understand that the whole point of an organization like the CIA is to deal with the grey world. Of course they employ bad guys at times. It's like the old quote "Q - Why do you rob banks? A - Because that's where the money is!."

Why does the CIA have so many ties with people who, in another context, would be enemies of the US? Because that's where the intelligence is.

So, for example, in Bosnia, where Muslims were often the victims of injustice, of course the CIA is going to cooperate a bit with the Muslim folks who want to help them.

And when various Afganistani factions were kicking the bejeezus out of the USSR, of course the CIA was going to give them a helping hand.

I'm already on record as being *against* this kind of "enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy making that ends up having the US taking sides with dictators, murderers, and all around bad people. I thnk it's a short term advantage and a long term liability.

But I understand why it happens.

And apparently you don't.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

galanter wrote:You seem to not understand that the whole point of an organization like the CIA is to deal with the grey world. Of course they employ bad guys at times. It's like the old quote "Q - Why do you rob banks? A - Because that's where the money is!."

Why does the CIA have so many ties with people who, in another context, would be enemies of the US? Because that's where the intelligence is.

They are the "bad guys". The care nothing about human rights, or the privacy of Americans.

They have ties to these "enemies" because they use them as patsies, and fall guys. They are the criminals in authority.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Bob, your mouth moves but no one hears what you say. Go ahead and ascribe characteristics to people who challenge you and pretend to be the gallant leader of your revolution of one. I'm not challenging the facts. There are even more facts out there that support your case that you don't even know yet. You obviously only see the world from an either/or perspective and can't handle the true complexities of the problems you assail. So keep on shouting from the rooftops and consuming yourself with this all encompassing negative world view. This is America. You are free to your dickish opinions.

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