Cocorosie: What s the big deal?

The kind of smug, self-regarding demeanour that CocoRosie have offends me in male as well as female musicians. For example, I have yet to see a photograph of Ryan Adams that hasn't caused me some irritation. I am not susceptible to the "charisma" and "charm" he is said to exude. His music is also over-lauded crap.

I find Spires That Rise In The Sunset to be a bit arid for my taste; I am not, however, of a mind that they should stop what they're doing. I've no problem with it; I just don't feel I have to listen to it.

I have never heard a good CocoRosie song but I refuse to spend money on their records to find their good stuff. It may be more damning of me than CocoRosie but I'm not prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Cocorosie: What s the big deal?

The first CocoRosie LP was pretty neat in a lo-fi cutesy sense and I can understand why Touch & Go signed them on the strength of that record. Maybe they thought they'd pick up guitars and make slightly more conventional music.

I think the last two records have been truly terrible but I can't join in on the communal hatred because they have taken their music in a direction no-one really expected them to. It has moved away from my (at times twee but very narrow) tastes but that is hardly a cardinal sin.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Cocorosie: What s the big deal?

The Code is Almighty wrote:Up until today, my only exposure to this band was what I've read on the board. Today I heard the song "Japan" on a road trip. I was smitten with it. I bought the album and I think I'm digging it.

It's strange, from what I've read I thought I'd hate this.

and that version on the record is sub-par, I have a couple really nice versions of it
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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