Colonel Panic wrote:People have families to raise, they have medical bills, etc.
A couple of people have raised this point in defending Sonic Youth's decision to collaborate with Starbucks (which I still think is just a joke, but only time will tell.)
Let's be real, Sonic Youth have been extremely successful over the course of their career. They've not piled away fortunes like Madonna or Michael Jackson, but if they were careful with their financial planning, they could probably afford to retire now, and maybe just supplement their income with the occasional lecture at Berkley, producing of some up and coming artists record, and or reunion tour.
So this whole "Sonic Youth" need money argument is crap.
If this whole thing is not a hoax (which I think it is) then Sonic Youth can bite it for the following reasons:
(a) They're tying themselves into corporate greed. They already have enough money, but they want more, and so they're gonna get it from Starbucks.
(b) There's no need for them to make use of Starbuck's distribution or marketing capabilities. Everyone who needs to know about Sonic Youth already knows about them, or will find out about them through other channels. Eveyone who is going to find out about Sonic Youth via Starbucks is a fuckwit.
(c) The whole concept of the record is pretentious and stupid. A circle of "in" friends picking their favourite SY song and writing what it means to them so that SY can have another record to sell is fucking gae. This is just mutual masturbation of the lowest form. Do you really care what SY song Jeff Tweedy likes and that it's important to him because he lost his virginity to it or whatever? Fuck no. Just listen to the albums, pick the songs you like, and have your own reasons for liking them. (Unless you are a douche who first encountered SY via Starbucks and either bought it out of your adulation for someone who helped compiled the thing, or because it came with your latte.)
This concept would only be bearable if it was a compilation called "People who hate Sonic Youth pick the Sonic Youth songs they find least offensive and explain why they find it tolerable". Either that, or people who have never heard Sonic Youth (say, classical musicians, russian oil barons, and african tribesmen) are forced to listen to the entire canon over several weeks and pick one song and explain why they like it.
...and even then it's a dubious concept.
Anyway, it's probably a joke. If not, then fuck 'em. The word integrity used to mean something.