best bass lines?

as a guitar player who started on bass and as a member of a bassless band for the past five years or so, a great bass line just tickles my soul. anybody care to nominate a few of the best?

first on my mind because i'm listening to the record right now:
come - "weak as the moon" from near life experience

best bass lines?

'Livewire' by AC/DC
'Dear Prudence' by The Beatles
'The Old Man's Back Again' by Scott Walker
Anything off 'Melody Nelson'
Anything off 'At Action Park'
'Everlasting Love' by The Love Affair
'Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)' by The Beach Boys
'Underground' by Scratch Perry

I second Chic.

These are ones I can think of right now. They are mostly old ones.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

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