The Cubbies

Total votes: 26 (74%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 9 (26%)
Total votes: 35

Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

The Milwaukee Brewers are going to the playoffs this season, and the Cubs WILL NOT catch them.
There's nothing about the Cubs other than a pricey payroll that hints to them ever going on a major run. The fact about their current team is that there's a big pile of second-hand individual talent, but they'll never come together as a team. As soon as they hit a little bit of a stride, something crazy happens, someone gets suspended, and they implode again. The rest of the league will be cashing in on a Cubs Fire Sale in about a month. Just wait.

Cubs fans are 90% morons.
They're of the same DNA as Raider Fans.
If any of them claim to be actual fans of baseball, they're probably lying just like how I'm sure people who are *totally into* the new Carrie Underwood album are legitimate music snobs.
In other words, they bark a lot, but if they were really fans of the sport they'd probably tip their hat to teams that are playing ball the way it should be played, or at least have more insight to offer.

I'll be at Wrigley in the bleachers on July 1.
I'll be the obnoxious Brewers fan having beer bottles thrown at me by salty Cubs fans as the Brewers whip up on them.


Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

be sure to make a lot of noise when the brewers kick their ass. I was at the last cubs brewers game in Milwaukee and it was probably 70/30 cubs fans. It was so obnoxious. They thought they were so cute, parading around that gay ass fucking mascot teddy bear. I can't wait for the day when I stop hearing about Wrigley Field North.
exp(j*pi) + 1 = 0

Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

DrAwkward wrote:Chuck, you have room in the car and another ticket for that Cubs game?

Sorry dude, they're all spoken for. If you want to come down with us and try to buy one from a scalper or something, I'll have room in the van for you. They were $46 each when I bought them 5 months ago from the Cubs website (the insane price being another gripe all together).

Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

GhostFace wrote:be sure to make a lot of noise when the brewers kick their ass. I was at the last cubs brewers game in Milwaukee and it was probably 70/30 cubs fans. It was so obnoxious. They thought they were so cute, parading around that gay ass fucking mascot teddy bear. I can't wait for the day when I stop hearing about Wrigley Field North.

Word, I'm all about installing temporary tollways on the way into Wisconsin when the Cubs come to town. My friend Evan had the idea of sculpting it in the shape of a giant middle finger, with a big sign that says "FIB MONEY WELCOME".

Last year I flew to Phila for a Brewers/Phillies series, and drove to Chicago for Brewers/Cubs. Philly, despite having a national reputation for having the worst sports fans in the country, were thoroughly cordial for the most part save for some fun "Brewers?? They have FANS?!?" type rousing. They did not try to escalate a fight with me when their team lost.

In Chicago, after a 75-minute rain delay I got to watch a 9-0 Cub-whooping through a cold rain, Bill Hall hit one onto Waveland Ave, and Capuano's first career complete game. It was fucking outstanding, and come 8th inning when Hall knocked that one, security had to intervene after some meathead threw a half-full beer at the back of my head and became verbally inciting for no reason beyond his team being on the losing side of a shit-kicking.

Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

Undoubtedly, most of you have heard that Mark Cuban is trying to buy the Cubs.

I'm not sure about this. On the one hand, it might be good for both the Cubs and the Mavericks. He's been increasingly micromanaging the latter, so perhaps it'd split his attention and then the leftovers would go to the baseball and basketball people respectively.

On the other, the seasons don't really overlap. Plus, his talent seems to have been taking a pointless franchise to the front of things. Everyone already loves the Cubs despite their futility. Besides, they already spend money. I'd rather see him take on the Pirates and actually do something with that mess.

People here in Dallas are increasingly annoyed with him. He is suing ex-coach Don Nelson for using insider information to beat the Mavs in the opening round this year. This is a joke among even the most loyal Cuban supporters.

Crap, WF: 9.

Our band.


Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs

Lemuel Gulliver wrote:Dot races, sausage races, fluffy mascots, local nitwits throwing out the first pitch, the chicken dance, all the bustin' out bootie music before someone comes up to hit, pitchers with theme songs...

Wait, what are you talking about, the Wisconsin state fair? They can't be running all those rinky dink shenanigans at a major league baseball game, surely.
Mike G.

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