Nirvana Box Set

The version of Scentless Apprentice on here is amazing. For me, it's far more entertaining to listen to than the album version. This is the Nirvana that I love: weird and noisy as all hell. You can actually hear Dave Grohl introducing the main riff to the band, then Kurt trying out different parts before finally settling on that weird, asending guitar line.

The demo version of Moist Vagina is pretty swell too. It doesn't have the creepy groove that the B-side version does, but I like the more chaotic sounding guitars.

The Butch Vig mix of Breed sounds infinitely better. It sounds far less compressed.

And yes, I really like Do Re Mi.


Nirvana Box Set

I agree fully about "Scentless Apprentice." It's awesome to listen to the song gradually start taking shape over the course of the track.

Aside from this favorite thing about the set is the Laundry Room recording session ("Oh, the Guilt," "Curmudgeon," and "Return of the Rat").

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