I need microphone help

I have $200 and I want to get two microphones, they will mostly be used for toms but I would also like something that I can experiment with, like for guitar, snare, and maybe vocals.
The mics that I had my eye on were either the Oktava MK012 or the sennheiser 609, or maybe one of each? Any other suggestions?

I need microphone help

I know (from reading it in here) that Bob Weston rates the Oktavas highly (as do other people around here).

I'm sure other people will chip in, but there have been similar discussions to this that you would find useful - do a search of the tech forum, you're sure to be enlightened.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

I need microphone help

The octava's are going really cheap all over eBay right now. I'd also check out the SE Electronics range, some pretty great chinese mics, some of which are the same as more expensive models by other brands, cheaper branding, same mic. They also do a loan scheme where you can try them out for a week and then buy if you like them. Personally, i think that's an awesome idea.
The Large Print Giveth and The Small Print Taketh away

I need microphone help

A really great tom mic that also does well on guitar cabs is the Sennheiser MD406. There was recently a pair up on Ebay. Don't know if they're still up, but they started pretty cheap. They don't seem to come up very often, but are totally worth looking for. They're older dynamics with a very sweet proximity effect...

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