who or what is the weirdest person you have known

si-maro wrote:I play in a band with someone who likes to melt chocolate on to his pizza.

During the meth-addled mid-80's, there was a pizzeria in Louisville, Charlie's, that was home to the metal/hardcore scenes for a while. Charlie's was famed for its peanut butter pizza, which spread peanut butter onto the crust before adding sauce and cheese. If you were high, it was pretty fucking good.

One of my maternal uncles eats chocolate pudding on his mashed potatoes. This same uncle used to spank his sons with the little shovel from the fire place. One of these now-grown men recently married. Up until that time, he still lived at home--a 400-lb. man in his mid-40's--still slept in the room he grew up in, in the same bed: a twin bed shaped like a race car.

Here is how his family fixes "spaghetti":

Boil up a ton of pasta--I mean, boil it until it looks like a vat full of water snakes. As you do so, fry up pounds and pounds of hamburger. Heap pasta onto a plate and pile on top of that as much hamburger as you can stand. Here's where it gets good.

Place a separate bottle of Hunt's ketchup in front of each person at the table. Douse your plate liberally with about half of the bottle's contents. Mix the whole goddamn thing together and there you have it: spaghetti!

who or what is the weirdest person you have known

Although I never got to meet him, a neighbour I could have had would have been a good contender for mentalist of the year.

Myself and Dindon were waiting outside a property we were interested in renting a couple of weeks back. The people two doors down, a young couple with a kid, came over and asked if we were waiting for the estate agent – when we told them we were they told us a few interesting nuggets about the fellow living between them and (potentially) us.

Apparently a heavy drinker, his behaviour ranged from the vile (telling the black father that he was “nothing but a nigger” and that he should “never have been sold out of slavery”, telling the white mother that “she should be ashamed of herself”, randomly confronting muslims in the area and telling them to get out of his country – nice), to the psychotic (setting his back garden on fire and then calmly leaving the house, leaving the neighbours to put it out, or screaming and banging the walls at 6am), to the ridiculously funny – my favourite example of the latter being the time that when Rambo was on the TV recently, he could be heard screaming “FIRST BLOOD! FIIIRRRSSSTTT BLOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!” over and over again.

Given that we’d decided to move to get away from nightmare neighbours, we figured maybe we’d give this place a miss….
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


who or what is the weirdest person you have known

I know a guy who was in the army. When he missed his girlfriend too much, he somehow managed to get her into the barracks and to his room. When they had sex, one of the superiors entered the room. That made the guy so angry that he jumped out of the bed and beat the other guy up…while his huge boner was rhythmically nodding all the time. That´s so humiliating…

Also, there is a guy in my city who walks around on Saturdays and asks boys if they would pee on him for money. I know a guy who actually did it. He told me that Ingo (the weird guy) went on his knees and formed a vessel with his hands that he tried to catch the urine with and then drank everything he caught. He paid 80 Euros for that (about 104 USD) and a bonus of 20 Euros (26 USD) for spitting in his face five times.

Oh, and a friend told me that in school there was a girl sitting right in front of him who had a whole bunch of disgusting pimples on her neck. Sometimes she sqeezed them and once some of the pus that came out went directly to my friends exercise book (he showed me the stains)… but mainly she liked to eat what she got…

who or what is the weirdest person you have known

burun wrote:Far be it for me to point the finger at someone's "weirdness", but I have to say that I currently have a friend who is quite possibly the strangest person I have ever met.

He is a minister in the Universal Life Church, and has performed some weddings.

He is/was an Eagle Scout.

Both of these things strike me as High Weirdness, and I can't even articulate why.

I still think he's the bee's knees, though.

Don Hedeker, from the Polkaholics, is an Universal Life Minister, I believe.

He certainly could have been an eagle scout, though I can't say for sure.

And, as I said, he's leader of the Polkaholics.

You're beat. :D :D
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who or what is the weirdest person you have known

Saturday wrote:
sunlore wrote:
Saturday wrote:- he´s gay / bisexual.

Jesus, does it get any weirder?

well, of course, that´s not weird, but i never knew any gay metalhead before.

I think there's a gay/bisexual metalhead association in Chicago. I know they had a float at the Pride Parade in Chicago at least once, a few years ago.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's weird, just responding back to Saturday about not knowing of any before.
Last edited by Mark Hansen_Archive on Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

who or what is the weirdest person you have known

simmo wrote:Although I never got to meet him, a neighbour I could have had would have been a good contender for mentalist of the year.

Myself and Dindon were waiting outside a property we were interested in renting a couple of weeks back. The people two doors down, a young couple with a kid, came over and asked if we were waiting for the estate agent – when we told them we were they told us a few interesting nuggets about the fellow living between them and (potentially) us.

Apparently a heavy drinker, his behaviour ranged from the vile (telling the black father that he was “nothing but a nigger” and that he should “never have been sold out of slavery”, telling the white mother that “she should be ashamed of herself”, randomly confronting muslims in the area and telling them to get out of his country – nice), to the psychotic (setting his back garden on fire and then calmly leaving the house, leaving the neighbours to put it out, or screaming and banging the walls at 6am), to the ridiculously funny – my favourite example of the latter being the time that when Rambo was on the TV recently, he could be heard screaming “FIRST BLOOD! FIIIRRRSSSTTT BLOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!” over and over again.

Given that we’d decided to move to get away from nightmare neighbours, we figured maybe we’d give this place a miss….

Do you Nottinghamshire people remember the crouching man? This is 1990-1994 I'm talking about, when I was at 'art school'. Used to see him crouching down, against walls, all over the place, any time.

Also, do you remember Xylophone Man would wield a kid's microphone from time to time? It had a built in echo device. He used to go 'waa' into it.

Nottingham is mental.

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