The Bangles do S&G

Total votes: 3 (19%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 13 (81%)
Total votes: 16

Song: The Bangles Version of Hazy Shade of Winter

For a while now, I've had the weird feeling that this cover might be one of the all-time greatest recorded pop songs. Then the other day I happened to hear the song again for the first time in forever (in Barnes and Noble, of all places), and it struck me how improbable its greatness is, considering the many things working against it:

1. The Bangles...
2...covering a Simon and Garfunkel song...
3...that's from the soundtrack to a shitty movie ("Less Than Zero")...
4...that's based on a shitty Brett Easton Ellis novel.

I even like the hoakey flange-like sounds throughout and the synthetic "whoosh" that starts the whole thing off.

Is it just me?

Song: The Bangles Version of Hazy Shade of Winter

I thought "Hazy Shade of Winter " was by The Moma's and The Popa's? Or were they just the ones to make it famous?

My folk-rock soft white underbelly is showing here.

Bill Hicks once told a story about an American friend of his who complained about the USA. When told, "well, if you don't like it then move somewhere else" the friend's reply would be, "What? And become a victim of our foreign policy?"

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