really insane bright guitar pickup recommendations please?

On the cab/power amp suggestion -

Seconded, if you mean running the amp through a full range cabinet (rather than a guitar cabinet). Nearly everyone who tries this does it for about ten minutes, then says "actually, that's a little more high end than I want". If you're one of those people, then you've found something you can dial back from.

Let me read that again.

Wait, does that make sense to you? I can't tell, because I just wrote it.

Anyway, ditch the Celestions for a bit and try a PA cab.

= Justin

really insane bright guitar pickup recommendations please?

Yeah, one more cab suggestion...

I have a friend (I'm not going to name drop here) that has a crazy-as-all-hell treble sound...I mean, it fucking hurts my ears to be up close to the cab. Anyway, he's using an Acoustic cab, in addition to his regular cab, that only projects high frequencies. Don't quote me on this, but I believe that it is a Model 811.

Traynor also made something similar called the YSP-1 Sibilance Projector.

I would personally go with something like that.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.

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