Rotten Tanx wrote:The first reason given is that smoking kills. Broadly speaking this is of course true however the argument fails to mention that every single one of you is going to die and on average a smoker only dies seven years younger then a non-smoker. In effect this is the difference between dying at 79 rather and dying at 86.
Yeah, but what's the quality of life? My dad smoked for 35 years or so. He's relatively active, but has had 3 angioplasties and has some minor health issues as well.
My grand dad lived to be 88, and until he got The Alzheimer's at 86, he could still swim over a mile. Fit as a fiddle until he lost his brain, that guy.
Also, it's not like 7 years is insignificant. That's almost 10%.
If your savings account earned 10% you'd be psyched.
If you got 10% better fuel economy in your car, you'd consider that a big deal.
If someone told you that you could live 10% longer if you quit eating cereal for breakfast, you probably would.
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.