Little details from your day

Nico Adie wrote:I received my final year results from university. Got a 2:1.

I happy that I passed, but frustrated because I know I could've done better. Still, it feels SO good to know that I don't have to go back to uni again.

Superb work sir!

I'm have to go and enroll for next term this afternoon. And so the sausage machine keeps turning!

Mmm, sausages.

Little details from your day

gjhardwick wrote:
Dindon Shazwan wrote:You're all a bunch of ungrateful idiots. I just discovered that I fucked my exams up and I don't know if I'm going to have my degree at all. And THAT is depressing.

"Boo hoo, I only had the second best mark for my degree". OH POOR YOU.

sorry to hear that, though that doesn't mean you have to go rain on Nico Adie's parade....

I'm not raining on his parade at all, on the opposite I find it a bit odd that everyone is saying "ohh yeah, sucessfully finishing your university studies is so depressing" that's all. I'm happy for Nico, it's great that he hraduated with such a good mark!
Last edited by Dindon Shazwan_Archive on Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
holmes wrote:perhaps they should have banned you brom england. french prick.

Little details from your day

Sly Bug wrote:
Dindon Shazwan wrote:You're all a bunch of ungrateful idiots. I just discovered that I fucked my exams up and I don't know if I'm going to have my degree at all. And THAT is depressing.

"Boo hoo, I only had the second best mark for my degree". OH POOR YOU.

Tu étudies à Nottingham? Y'a un rattrapage?

Oui et non. J'ai fait ma troisieme annee de licence en etant basee a Nottingham, mais par correspondance depuis ma fac de Toulouse. Et oui, il y a un rattrappage en septembre mais je n'ai reussi de valider que 3 unites sur 7 donc c'est quand meme super chaud. Ca me fait 5 exams a repasser et je suis pas du tout certaine d'arriver a ne serait-ce que sauver les meubles. Moi qui voulais avoir une mention je serai deja bien contente si j'ai ma licence tout court :c
holmes wrote:perhaps they should have banned you brom england. french prick.

Little details from your day

It's just a strange feeling, the emptiness afterwards.

Obviously, knowing you, I know how stressful and horrible it is to not even know if you're going to succeed in finishing your degree. I guess it would be a bit riling to see people moaning about post uni-blues.

All the same, for some reason it's pretty hard not to get down in the months after finishing your course - there's a lack of a sense of direction, a quite frightening void, that's quite hard to deal with.

But everyone goes through it and some even get magnificent jobs working for Nottingham City Council! And I strongly believe you'll get your degree : )

Group hug?
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Little details from your day

Dindon Shazwan wrote:
gjhardwick wrote:once i graduated, i spent three months on the dole playing pool in the local pub.


See, that's what I was saying. GRADUATING IS COOL MAN.

To find a job quickly after graduating because you have no money, la rigidité du monde du travail, to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year whereas you had more than the triple at university, less cool.

Quelle licence passes tu?
Stella Peel

Little details from your day

Sly Bug wrote:To find a job quickly after graduating because you have no money, la rigidité du monde du travail, to accept that you will have only 5 weeks of holidays each year whereas you had more than the triple at university, less cool.

Quelle licence passes tu?

Precisely why I want to become a teacher. Great holidays.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

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