NerblyBear wrote:Sock OR Muffin? wrote:
Nerbly. Which law school?
Georgia State University.
Ahh. Be prepared for the incredible hotness of the GSU ladies and the lameness of the panhandling bums.
Moderator: Greg
NerblyBear wrote:Sock OR Muffin? wrote:
Nerbly. Which law school?
Georgia State University.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?
fantasmatical thorr wrote:Wait. I was driving home yesterday when I spotted a car with a row of lights across it's roof. It was only a NYPD car wasn't it. In a shithole part of Birmingham.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:NerblyBear wrote:Sock OR Muffin? wrote:
Nerbly. Which law school?
Georgia State University.
Ahh. Be prepared for the incredible hotness of the GSU ladies and the lameness of the panhandling bums.
Ty Webb wrote:fantasmatical thorr wrote:Wait. I was driving home yesterday when I spotted a car with a row of lights across it's roof. It was only a NYPD car wasn't it. In a shithole part of Birmingham.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Marsupialized wrote:Nerdly Bore is going to be a lawyer?
Just in time too, there's a massive shortage of lawyers in the world.
So much of day to day life sits here unruined as of yet....
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Ahh. Be prepared for the incredible hotness of the GSU ladies and the lameness of the panhandling bums.
NerblyBear wrote:I am prepared for the incredible hotness of the panhandling bums.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.
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