Craig Biggio becomes the latest member of the 3000 hit club

And he's conducted his career in the most exemplary way. He's played his entire career with the Houston Astros, who've displayed mostly different degrees of mediocrity throughout (I know about their appearances in the playoffs, playoffs that save for twice they exited after the first round. They did lose in the most exciting four game World Series in history, though). He's played the game with the appropriate amount of piss and vinegar, a sorely lacking quality in the game these days, it seems. This feat gets him in the hall, I think. Deservedly so.

Salut, Craig Biggio!

And 14 more home runs to join the 300-3000 club. Remarkable! He's also poised to become the most hit batsman of all time. Take 283 for the team, Craig!
Last edited by Don_Archive on Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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hayseedboys wrote:wel, i have an ider about a trucker who rapes an entire town...

Craig Biggio becomes the latest member of the 3000 hit club

Biggio up until around 2000 was goddamn brilliant, great individual player, great team player, a Hall of Famer.

After that point, however, he was pretty shit, especially this year, and I find it hard to fathom how he's able to pull off saying that "he plays the game the right way" and everyone eats that shit up. Having a sub-.300 OBP as a leadoff hitter isn't playing the game the right way, playing the game the right way would mean sacrificing your goddamn individual achievements for the betterment of the team and riding the pine. When Barry Bonds is in the game, he improves his team; when Biggio's in the game, he hinders his team.

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